Sunday, January 30, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Ultimates #1

re-imagined Avengers #1

~~>i've become a big fan of the whole re-drawn covers meaning amazing fantasy number three hundred something, the introduction of spider-man, with the cover redone by alex ross or the issue of the fantastic four (or was it a spider-man comic?) where spidey's on the cover trying to get into the baxter building re-drawn by humberto ramos and others.
after seeing contemporary artists tackle those classic covers i just loved that idea of re-drawing those covers with the modern look.
so i decided to test myself by taking the classic avengers #1 (vol. 1) cover and basically used my style as well as the ultimates to re-do the cover. as you can see its in pencil, i'm still deciding whether or not to go over it with ink and color.
now, here we go. for loki i actually went with the alan cumming's look of loki for the upcoming movie "son of the mask" because there's no way in hell that you'll find a green and gold loki walking around up in mark millar and bryan hitch's the ultimates, i tried my best to get the look of alan cumming even though its a 3/4 angle of him. tried my best.
you're all wondering now why is hulk and ant-man up in the same time well like i said i wanted it to be literally a redo of avengers #1 (vol. 1)'s cover so i twisted this in my favor. i tried my best to keep ant-man and wasp as small as possible because...well, hitch would do have it the same way simple as that. iron man took me the longest, even though it may not seem like it, i tried my best to put in as much detail as possible on his armor.
i have an image of the the avengers #1 but its too small so i'll be looking around so that i can have a compare and contrast of that cover with this one, similarities and differences for all you nit-pickers out there.
next up will be...avengers #4 cover, the with "captain america lives again!". so check on this periodically to see where i'm at.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Wizard Cover (mock-up)

~~> this cover was done in the spring of '04, my first official class that was related to my major to you all the truth.
the work isn't all that but i added in this portfolio as well to just...simply show, and not brag because it looks crappy. i'm pretty critical of my own work, any of my friends can tell you i'm a frickin' perfectionist with my own work.
Friday, January 07, 2005
All-Wizard Team

All-Wizard Team

~~> the all-wizard team idea actually came from an issue of wizard--the comics magazine (those of you who read comics might know which magazine i'm talking about) where they took characters from the two biggest comic book publishers in, most likely, the world; dc and marvel comics.
the team consisted of nightcrawler and phoenix/marvel girl/jean grey (x-men), captain america, iron man and the invisible woman (from the fantastic four) all from marvel. then there's superman and dr. fate from dc. each of their abilities is essential to this team.
i took wizard's idea and sort of came up with this pin-up where the two of the heroes on the team have fallen and the rest are mourning their loss.
wizard also had a another team also whom i would call the team 2 or losers, even though a majority of the heroes on that team can kick team 1's member (or the whole) simply by themselves one way or another. i started on that one but never completed it, maybe i do an entirely new one as well as an all-new all-wizard team 1?! who knows?! if interested, then keep to this blog for updates...